Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Treinen Farm

A few weeks ago we took the boys over to a farm in Lodi (which I now know the "i" is pronounced like me, myself and I" not "eee" sounding). You know how I know this? Because people at work started laughing and pointing (well, maybe not pointing) when I said "Lodeeeee".

I mean, people don't say "raviol-I", they say "ravio-leeeee".


So we really liked this farm. We got there too early because it was the time change weekend and the boys were up and ready to go so we made the drive out. We drove around for awhile until the opened and saw a cow giving birth! Gross.

When we got to the farm no one was there (no other visitors), so we had the place to ourselves. They had a corn maze, a playground made from tires, so large bikes to ride around and the best part-the tunnel slides! Nick was scared to go and Keith took him down once and he was hooked! This was my favorite part, and if the weather weren't already ridiculously cold I would go back, but it will have to wait until spring!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


About a week and a half ago we drove out to Milwaukee and took the boys to TRAINFEST that was located at the indoor stadium at the state fair. It was SO much fun!

We got there about 10 in the morning and it was really cold. I'm so glad it wasn't outside 'cause the wind itself felt like it was burning my face. When we got in I realized I forgot the coupons and Keith was nice enough to run back out (hey, that was $8 saved)!

We met up with JJ (Julie and Jamie) and the boys were thrilled to see them. We were happy to see them too, and not just so they could help us keep up with the kiddos!

I was impressed with the setup. They had a small train you could ride, and they had one that was right there on the ground so they could sit and watch it at their level. The rest was hard for Nick and Erik to see, and we had to pick them up a lot for a good view. They had people telling stories, lego building and of course lots of trains you could buy.

After about 2 hours we sat and had some lunch there and decided to call it quits. But over 2 hours with no meltdowns in such a crowded place was a happy and successful day in my book.

We thought they would be pooped and sleep the whole way home. Nope. That was the only downfall. They were kind of cranky the rest of the day, but it was all worth it!

We will definitely be going to TRAINFEST again next year (which Kolbe has made sure to ask about already)!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Good 'Ole Days

I remember the first time I saw Keith, like it was yesterday. Our surroundings, what he was wearing, what I was wearing, his gestures, his smile. I can't believe next week will be 17 years since that time in my life. A life that feels like someone else's because I'm so far removed from it. As I sit on top of a pile of work in the office, screaming kids at home, parent/teacher conferences, homework, cooking, cleaning, working out, errands, and an occasional "hello" to Keith as we pass each other in the hallway, it's nice to take a moment to reminisce about…"the good 'ol days".

It's funny how back then I felt like things were so tough. Chanting "But Mom, you don't understand me!!!" Between school, a part-time job, extra-curricular activities, homework, friends…and of course a new boyfriend-where did the time go?!

I've got news for you Nicolle, that was NOTHING!

I'm in amazement at how much our marriage and relationship has evolved after so many years. I've just recently learned and found comfort in the fact that wherever Keith and the boys are…that's home. Comfort is bliss. But bliss at 17 is that first kiss, the first touch on the small of my back, my car door being opened, a rose for every week of dating, staying up all night long and experiencing things for the first time.

Energy, youth, naivety.

Those are now replaced with practicality, responsibility and knowledge.

It's a great thing to come this far in a relationship, but it's also important to take the time to go out and just TALK. I never knew it would be so hard!

I need a nanny.

In reality, it's all completely manageable. I wouldn't trade my life for anything and I am truly lucky for family, friends, my job and health.

But every once in awhile, sometimes more often than not, I like to dream about playing hooky, hopping in a beat up 1984 Ford Escort and driving out to the middle of nowhere just "to talk". With Keith in his black leather jacket, the smell of Green Trident gum and his hair so long that it falls down in his face....

The Good 'Ole Days

Monday, November 1, 2010

I say Chuckee, You Say CHEESE!

Kolbe's birthday party was Sunday morning and we had a great time!

I was really worried about how many kids would show, and although we only had 2 of his friends come I thought Kolbe really enjoyed it and it certainly made it easier for us. We also had some family friends come in from Pewaukee which was a real lifesaver!

Fu Chee is Kolbe's good friend right now at school, so they were inseparable the whole time. We got to know his parents a little who live right near us and also have 3 other children (all under the age of 5)! And I thought we had our hands full! Fu Chee is super sweet and we are excited Kolbe has a new friend!

The Chuckee Cheese we had the party at impressed me. They were nice, organized and they had a lot of extras like the crown, ticket blaster and a great hostess. It was also really inexpensive-the least we've ever paid for a party.

I certainly missed our family and friends a lot, but think overall it's a party that Kolbe will remember! Happy 6th!