Wednesday night was the Fall Festival at Kolbe's school where there were candy, games a bounce house, face painting of LOTS of kids!! Kolbe won another immortal fish.
Thursday was the Halloween party and parade at Kolbe's school (where my child was the ONLY one not dressed up thanks to dear old Mom).
Friday was Halloween at Fossil- which I was VERY sad to miss while being laid up in bed with a 24-hour bug.
And of course tonight was Halloween night. My Mom and sisters came over so we could all go out and trick or treat with the boys. We got an early start, a little after 6 and didn't get in until around 8. The kids buckets were full, the weather was great, the boys were great and my sister was a hilarious and believable OLD WITCH!
Unfortunately, Keith has been in bed all night sick again, and I'm very sorry he missed trick or treating with the boys. I'm hoping he will be better tomorrow!!
Hope everyone had a safe Halloween!