Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jill & Ollie Visit WI

This is late. Jill and Ollie came to visit about 2 months ago right before Christmas. We had a blast!

They flew into Milwaukee on Friday so Kolbe and I went out to get them from the airport. We came back home and let the boys play for a few hours out in the snow, hung out around the house, and then dropped the boys off at the gym (Parents Night Out) for a few hours so Jill and I could grab some dinner and catch up.

Had a great meal at Villa Dolce (my fav)!

Throughout the weekend we squeezed a lot in. Taking the boys to the Caves, sledding on the hill, walking on the ice, eating at Ella's Diner and driving over an hour to get to the Train Barn! The boys spent a lot of time outside, making cupcakes and watching movies and I think they had fun hanging out together. I can't believe Jill and Ollie took the time to come out and stay with us. I know it must have been hard with all 3 of our loud and crazy boys!

What a great best friend I have!

There were a lot of times I watched Kolbe and Ollie and definitely wished they lived closer to each other to play more often. Jill and I were the exact same age they are right now when we met and started a friendship, and I think it's really neat that now our kids are able to play together and share experiences!

You can't ask for anything better than that!
Thanks Jill and Ollie!

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