Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Love Day!

Remember being in elementary school and celebrating Valentine's Day? I wonder if kids now have that same nostalgia? Having brown paper bags at your desk, wondering who I would get a Valentine from. How many would I get? Would I get more than most people in the class and would I get one from the boy I had a crush on?

Everything was hand-made and everything was a big deal. It definitely wasn't a mass production of Spongebob cards the size of a credit card back in 1985.

Those were the days.

Now, Valentine's Day really isn't a holiday I think too much about. I like chocolate, that's the best part. I think my excitement over it all ended when my 20's ended. Now I live through my kids. And as my procrastinating side and parental side merged I ended up working on stuff this weekend and somewhat enjoying it. 38% chore and 62% fun.

I brought strawberries and marshmallows into work that were dipped in chocolate. Those were fun to make. Helped Nickolas and Kolbe get their cards ready for school (Spongebob and kittens). And Keith made rice crispy treats for 3 classes at his school. And we bought chocolates for all the boys' teachers. Now if I were a SuperMom we would have sat all weekend and created hand-made cards like in the "good 'ol days". But I'm no SuperMom!

I'm looking forward to seeing what the boys bring home, and going through the cards (aka seeing Barbie, Spongebob, and whatever other trendy characters are out there). I'm also looking forward to seeing if they brought home…


Happy Love Day Everyone!

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