Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kid-Free for Too Long on the Horizon

This is a common scenario in any given day when a random child decides to get up off my lap. It could be anything from food, liquid, snot, name it...I've felt it....

Beginning tomorrow I will not see my boys for 20 nights. I am heading out at 10am to go pick up my grandfather, stop by my Mom's and then drive up to Wisconsin! We will make a stop at the halfway point Friday night and then get in Saturday afternoon to corporate housing. I'm hoping I can spend Saturday evening and all Sunday showing my grandfather LE, the town and enjoying and few good meals and possibly a little...GAMBLING!

First day of work is in 3 days! I'm SO excited!!

In the meantime, I will be thinking of my little guys every second, and longing for the next time something sticks to me.

Love you Keith, Kolbe, Nickolas and Baby Erik!

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